Continuing Education

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Your-Practice_Transition Your-Practice_Protect

One of the key foundations upon which the Advocis Learning Centre was built is the firm belief that education is an ongoing process. Advocis has always strongly emphasized the importance of continually updating your skills and knowledge in order to meet the needs of your clients. We offer you relevant Continuing Education (CE) and professional development opportunities — the quality of learning you need to maintain professional excellence and a high level of ethical standards and practice competencies.

Another main area that Advocis focuses on is providing financial advisors with access to the CE required to meet their mandatory requirements for licences, registrations, designations, and Advocis membership. We accomplish this by offering CE opportunities through a variety of avenues, including self-study courses, online programs, and chapter events.

All of the CE programs offered through our Learning Centre have been accredited by the Institute Accreditation Services (The Institute). This accreditation means that our programs have received an independent third-party assurance that the content is in alignment with the Practice Guidelines for Financial Advisors & Planners.

Our Guarantee

Institute-accredited CE offers near–universal acceptance towards meeting CE requirements of regulators and designation-granting bodies. If the applicability of an Institute-accredited program is questioned by any jurisdiction, in an audit situation, please contact us for assistance.